Ensembl Variation - Available species

Species with databases

We currently have 18 vertebrate species with variation databases. A range of different information is available:

Short variant Long variant Genotype Association Prediction
Species Sequence variant (e!110 → e!111) Source(s) Structural variantSamplePopulationPhenotypeCitation SIFTPolyPhen
Felis catus
3.2 M - 1 source - - - - -
Gallus gallus
25 M - 1 source - - - -
Chicken (Red Jungle fowl)
Gallus gallus
27 M - 1 source - - - -
Bos taurus
96 M - 1 source - - -
Canis lupus familiaris
37 M - 1 source - - -
Dog - Boxer
Canis lupus familiarisboxer
4.9 M - 1 source - - -
Capra hircus
39 M - 1 source - - - -
Equus caballus
40 M - 1 source - - -
Homo sapiens
1.1 B (+397 million) 4 sources - -
Mus musculus
122 M - 1 source - - -
Monodelphis domestica
1.1 M - 1 source - - - - - - -
Sus scrofa
71 M - 1 source - - -
Ornithorhynchus anatinus
1.3 M - 1 source - - - - -
Rattus norvegicus
9.5 M - 1 source - - - -
Ovis aries rambouillet
61 M - 1 source -
Sheep (texel)
Ovis aries
61 M - 1 source -
Tetraodon nigroviridis
902 K - 1 source - - - - - - -
Danio rerio
18 M - 1 source - - -
Colour legend: From 1 to 999 From 1,000 to 999,999 From 1 million to 9,9 million From 10 million to 99,9 million From 100 million

Dynamically loaded species

We have extended our API to provide Ensembl views of variant data held at the European Variant Archive ( EVA).
  • Species supported this way have:
    • variant pages showing any available genotypes and allele frequencies
    • dynamically predicted gene consequences
    • variant tracks by location in the Region in Detail view
    • variant tables by location
  • They do not have:
    • BioMart support
    • the option to search by variant name
    • VEP variant caches

Species supported this way:

We currently have 22 species supported this way:

Species Variant (e!110 → e!111) Genotype
American mink
Neovison vison
34 K -
Atlantic salmon
Salmo salar
8 M
Pan troglodytes
22 M -
Collared flycatcher
Ficedula albicollis
37 K -
Crab-eating macaque
Macaca fascicularis
1.6 M -
Domestic yak
Bos grunniens
64 K -
Nomascus leucogenys
1.1 M -
Great Tit
Parus major
497 K
Greater amberjack
Seriola dumerili
9 M -
Japanese quail
Coturnix japonica
8 K -
Macaca mulatta
50 M -
Anas platyrhynchos
30 M -
Nile tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus
63 K -
Sander lucioperca
975 K -
Prairie vole
Microtus ochrogaster
8 K -
Oryctolagus cuniculus
83 K
Rainbow trout
Oncorhynchus mykiss
33 K -
Sumatran orangutan
Pongo abelii
9.6 M -
Meleagris gallopavo
5 K -
Chlorocebus sabaeus
67 M
White-tufted-ear marmoset
Callithrix jacchus
14 M -
Zebra finch
Taeniopygia guttata
1.5 M -
Colour legend: From 1 to 999 From 1,000 to 999,999 From 1 million to 9,9 million From 10 million to 99,9 million From 100 million

Other species

The full list of species in Ensembl, with their assembly versions, is available here.

Note: We only provide variant caches for species with Ensembl databases, but the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor VEP can be used to annotate variant data for any species with gene annotation. VCF files can be used directly in VEP in place of a variant cache where available.

Restricted access data

Ensembl displays some human variant datasets with restricted access. We make these data visible as tracks on the genome browser, which can be turned on using the 'Configure this page' menu.


We display only the high-quality curated data from the LOVD databases.


We display both structural variants and short variants from DECIPHER. Data provided are only available for display in the browser, and not for bulk download.
Access to bulk data may be obtained directly from DECIPHER (https://www.deciphergenomics.org/about/data-sharing) and is subject to a Data Access Agreement, in which the user certifies that no attempt to identify individual patients will be undertaken. The same restrictions apply to the public data displayed in this browser no one is authorized to attempt to identify patients by any means.

Other data


We display short variants from the Genomenon Mastermind Cited Variants Reference (https://www.genomenon.com/cvr/).
If a variant has multiple alternative alleles, please note that HGVS and Mastermind output will only be displayed for one allele.