Gene summary

This page gives an overview of the information available at the gene level.

At the top, the page shows the gene name and Ensembl gene ID, the full description of the gene, its synonyms, its genomic location and strand, INSDC coordinates, and its number of transcripts.

The following sections show the Transcript Table and the Summary with links to external databases.


It shows each splice variant of a gene, i.e. protein-coding and non-coding transcripts. Each transcript is given an Ensembl Transcript ID, which is unique and stable.


It provides additonal information and links to external databases:

  • Name - from official gene nomenclature commitees such as HGNC (for human) and MGI (for mouse)
  • CCDS - coding sequence IDs from the Consensus Coding Sequence Set
  • UniProtKB - protein IDs from UniProtKB that match one of the translations of this gene
  • RefSeq - Indicates if the gene has transcript(s) identified as MANE.
  • LRG - IDs from the Locus Reference Genomic (LRG) project matching the Ensembl gene
  • Ensembl version - versioning of the Ensembl gene ID
  • Gene type - The gene type includes both status (e.g. known) and biotype (e.g. protein coding) 
  • Annotation method - It can be the Ensembl automatic, Havana manual or a merge between automatic and manual (for human, mouse, zebrafish, pig, and rat)
  • Alternative genes - IDs from the HAVANA project that match the Ensembl gene